Posts filed under ‘News’

More Background Information on Paul Fromm has published an article giving an overview of who Paul Fromm is and his involvement in the racist right.

April 12, 2008 at 6:25 pm Leave a comment

Picket Neo-Nazi Paul Fromm & the Cadillac Club Tomorrow (Saturday April, 12th)

Saturday, April 12th, Neo-Nazi Paul Fromm will be speaking at the Cadillac Club in Lansing.

Fromm is major leader in the Canadian racist scene. Fromm has attended white supremacist meetings including one held to mark the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s death; shouted “Scalp him!” at a meeting where a representative of the Native Canadian Centre was speaking; attended meetings and delivered speeches alongside well-known racists like American David Duke and Holocaust denier David Irving.

The Cadillac Club is owned by David Sheets, a Lansing businessman involved in local Republican politics. Sheets has been informed of who Paul Fromm is and has refused to cancel the event. Sheets has stated that “This event doesn’t effect him” and that “He doesn’t care if people know the event is happening at the Cadillac Club or not”. David Sheets has chosen to give white supremacists a venue for their bigotry and hate.

The Paul Fromm event will be a gathering of racists from around the state. Local racists Kyle Bristow and Evan Thomas (Cutner) are suspected of being involved in bringing Fromm to Lansing.

What You can do:

1. Picket the Cadillac Club and Paul Fromm:

Saturday April 12th
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Cadillac Club
1115 S Washington Ave
Lansing, MI 48910

2. Call the Cadillac Club and David Sheets demanding they cancel the event. Please do this between 11am and 3pm. Feel free to tell them what you think about local businesses that host white supremacist speakers.

Cadillac Club
(517) 853-1915

David Sheets’ office
(517) 371-2843

During these hard economic times when we should be uniting, Paul Fromm & David Sheets are dividing our community. Please join us in our opposition to Fromm’s Hate Speech and David Sheets’ complicity in that hatred. Help us send the message that hatred and bigotry have no place in our community.

In struggle,
Michigan Against White Supremacy

For more information on Paul Fromm:

Who is Paul Fromm

Background on Paul Fromm

SPLC article on Paul Fromm losing his teaching certificate

April 11, 2008 at 7:53 pm Leave a comment

Jared Taylor Speech at MSU Canceled

Late last month, Jared Taylor’s planned talk at Michigan State University was canceled. The MSU chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) who was hosting the event was silent on why it was canceled initially, but eventually announced that it was due to pressures from the national YAF organization which threatened to revoke the MSU group’s charter if the event took place.

However, while it is good news that the Taylor event will no longer take place at MSU, Kyle Bristow–the former chair of Young Americans for Freedom–has said that the event may still take place:

“Mr. Taylor may yet come to Lansing, however. I have passed his name on to a local activist who arranges talks in the area, and I understand discussions about a possible lecture have already begun.”

If we find out that this event will take place, we will let you know.

March 11, 2008 at 3:00 pm Leave a comment

Send A Prewritten Letter to MSU

Please take a moment to send the following pre-written email to Michigan State University’s administration urging them to cancel racist Jared Taylor’s planned speech:

February 4, 2008 at 1:34 pm Leave a comment

Community Speak Out Against Racism and Injustice!

Friday, October 26th
Meet at the
Rock – 6pm
(Michigan State University Campus on Farm Lane across from Bessey Hall)
March to Veterinary Medical Center
(Griffin will speak in E100 Vet Med Center)
Community Speak Out -7pm
In front of the Vet Med Center

Nick Griffin, holocaust denier and leader of the fascist British National Party (BNP) will be speaking on campus to promote a racist agenda and divide our university and community.


We reject this xenophobic speaker and feel the need to speak out against him.
Join us!

October 24, 2007 at 2:25 am 1 comment

Who are Nick Griffin & the British National Party

Nick Griffin is a white supremacist, a holocaust denier, is
homophobic and is an all around racist. These images are just a
taste of the hate that he and the British National Party (BNP) represent.


Griffin has stated that Islam is a “wicked, vicious faith” and that Muslims were turning Britain into a “multi-racial hell hole”(1-BBC).

Griffin has called the Holocaust the “Holo-Hoax” and wrote that, ‘I am well aware that orthodox opinion is that 6m Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into
soup and lampshades… I have reached the conclusion that the “extermination tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.’(2-The Guardian).

Click on “more” for Griffin and the BNP’s attacks on Islam, their Anti-Semitism, direct links to Neo-Nazis, Homophobia and example after example of them being nothing more than bigoted white-supremacists.


October 23, 2007 at 6:46 pm Leave a comment

Racists Overshadowed by Protesters in Kalamazoo

Racist Internet radio show host Hal Turner’s Kalamazoo, Michigan “Rally Against Black Gang Terrorism” on Saturday was overshadowed by protestors, with Turner’s small rally of out-of-town racists and a small group of supporters–numbering around 25–easily outnumbered by the approximately 200 protestors who (un)welcomed them to Kalamazoo. During the rally, Turner and other speakers spoke to each other and a handful of supporters while facing an empty parking lot in 90 degree heat. Reflecting the fact that they have no base in Kalamazoo and were largely ignored by the media, Hal Turner failed to turn out any supporters outside of the racist movement and his calls to “Take Back Kalamazoo” went unanswered as he and his racist friends spoke behind lines of police and multiple layers of fencing.

Protestors began the day meeting at Bronson Park in downtown Kalamazoo at noon. The group waited to gauge the energy of the crowd before deciding to move to the rally site several blocks away at the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety building on Crosstown Parkway. The protestors held a spirited march on the sidewalk down Burdick Street, loudly chanting, making noise, and handing out flyers exposing the racists behind the rally. The energy was high and the reaction from community members was overwhelmingly positive.

When the protestors arrived at the rally site, they encountered Bill White and Michigan resident Neal Joitke, both of whom are affiliated with the American National Socialist Workers Party. The two men argued with protestors outside of the security zone while wearing their ill-fitting Nazi uniforms until they were essentially forced behind police lines by protestors. Apparently, this was the much hyped (by Bill White) “independent action” that he promised to organize in Kalamazoo. During this confrontation, several members of the Michigan chapter of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) including Dan Hill and Dan Carlson excited the “supporter” area of the rally and attempted to instigate a fight with the anti-racist protestors. At first it appeared that the police were willing to let this happen as they seemed to be looking for reasons to make arrests throughout the day, but they eventually moved in and forcibly separated the two groups using horses.

The protestors maintained a presence outside of the security perimeter for the duration of the racists’ rally, attempting to drown out the speeches with noise and chants. The crowd remained energetic throughout, waving signs that read “K-Zoo Not K-K-K-Zoo” and “Racists Go Home” along with banners reading “Hate Speech = Terrorism,” “No Nazis, No KKK, No Racist USA,” and “Racists Here w/Gov’t. Help.” The crowd banged on bucket drums, used air horns, and chanted while making it clear that the racists were not welcome in Kalamazoo.

After the rally concluded, protestors attempted to confront the white supremacists, but the racists were quickly led by police onto Kalamazoo city buses and escorted out of the area. Realizing that they were not going to be able to confront the racists, the protestors staged an unpermited march back to Bronson Park. The march was initially led by chants of “Whose Streets? Our Streets” and “Nazi Crew Out of K-Zoo,” although “Cops and Klan Go Hand in Hand” became a prominent chant when police began to force the march onto the sidewalk by pushing protestors with horses. Police repeatedly told protestors that “your protest is over” and appeared to be looking to make arrests, although none were made during the march despite a tense stand-off when the group of 75 protestors was split in two in front of the Kalamazoo Gazette building at 401 S. Burdick. Following this stand-off, the march continued from the Gazette building to Bronson Park on the sidewalk. Upon arriving at the park, the police arrested two people who went on the amphitheater stage, an area that was for some reason determined to be “off limits” by the police.

Much touted plans by Hal Turner and company to stage a post-rally event in Detroit appear to have been cancelled, as the information has been pulled from Turner’s website and there have been no reports coming out of Detroit.

The protest was organized by Michigan Against White Supremacy.

August 15, 2007 at 2:50 pm Leave a comment

Protest White Supremacists Tomorrow

On Saturday, Internet radio talk show host Hal Turner, members of various Ku Klux Klan groups, and other representatives of the organized racist movement will hold a rally in Kalamazoo in order to spew racist hate speech and attempt to attract new members to the racist movement.

In opposition to the event, there will be a protest to oppose the racists:

Bronson Park (corner of South Rose and West South St)

Bring signs, banners, noisemakers, and drums to make it clear that white supremacists are not welcome in Kalamazoo.

August 3, 2007 at 3:31 pm Leave a comment

Why We Can’t Ignore Hal Turner

Although some people say that ignoring the Hal Turner and the white supremacists is the best way to oppose them, we know from experience that ignoring a problem never makes it go away. These groups are not just the “fringe,” but rather they are actively organizing and attempting to gain new recruits in Michigan and beyond.

If hate groups do not encounter opposition to their activities in a community, they’ll take that to mean no one is willing to stand against them. Not directly opposing the white supremacists isolates the people they target — people of color, immigrants, religious or ethnic minorities, lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people, the disabled, womyn, etc. – making these communities feel like no one will support them. Because we recognize the struggles of these targeted groups of people and do not wish to ignore them, Michigan Against White Supremacy supports a visible and vocal counter-demonstration to the white supremacist rally on August 4.

Other opponents of counter demonstrating say the white supremacists should be allowed to speak because of the constitutional right to free speech. We say that giving racists and other bigots “free speech” silences the voices of entire groups of people through intimidation. We say that it is not just free speech because racist propaganda leads to racist violence.

July 27, 2007 at 12:20 pm Leave a comment

Call to Action: Oppose White Supremacists in Kalamazoo

On Saturday, August 4, the racist radio talk show host Hal Turner is holding what he is hoping will be a major white supremacist event in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Turner’s event, dubbed a “Rally Against Black Gang Terrorism,” will feature speakers from various Ku Klux Klan groups, a pastor from the racist Christian Identity religion, and various racists not affiliated with any organized group. Moreover, invitations have been extended to nearly every organized white supremacist group from the Aryan Nations to White Revolution. Far from expressing concern about any issues affecting people in Kalamazoo, Hal Turner’s event is designed to act as a means of recruiting more people into the white supremacist movement and advancing their racist agenda.

Michigan Against White Supremacy is organizing a counter event because we believe that the white supremacists cannot be ignored. If we choose to ignore the white supremacists, they will be emboldened. If allowed to rally unopposed, the white supremacists will believe that they have the support of the community to enact their program of racist terror. Many of the white supremacists coming to Kalamazoo have advocated violence to achieve their political goals–expressing support for acts ranging from the “lynching” of African-Americans in Kalamazoo to the mass execution of Jewish people. We must stand up and oppose white supremacists as one of the many ways in which we can and should stand in solidarity and mutual struggle with oppressed groups.

We encourage people to protest in a way that effectively will silence the white supremacists’ message. In addition, we support people using a variety of methods and tactics to oppose the presence of white supremacists in Kalamazoo, provided that their actions are well-thought out and take into consideration their potential impact on the local community and other counter-demonstrators.

Meet at Bronson Park (South Rose and W. South St) in Kalamazoo, Michigan at 12:00pm. Brings signs, banners, noisemakers, and anything else that will help make it clear that white supremacy is not welcome in Kalamazoo, Michigan, or anywhere else.

For more information, please consult our website at

In solidarity,
– Michigan Against White Supremacy

July 25, 2007 at 6:54 pm 3 comments

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About Us

Michigan Against White Supremacy is a group of concerned individuals and organizers addressing the spread of organized racism in Michigan.

